Friday, August 6, 2010

Partner in SALSA!!

Katie (sorry if you hate the picture Katie) and I have found a recipe that we like for canning our salsa and I decided to share:

30lbs tomatoes, skinned, deseeded and cubed

2 Green Bell Peppers Chopped

2 Red Bell Peppers, Chopped

10 C Chopped Onions

10 Cloves garlic, Chopped

4-5 yellow Banana Peppers or 1 C Jalapenos, chopped

2 cans tomato paste

3/4-1 C Sugar

1 3/4 C Vinegar

8t pickling salt

2t black pepper


Mix all ingreds. except cilantro together in a big pot. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours, stirring often, at the end of cooking time add 1/2 bunch chopped cilantro and stir. Jar and water bath for

(Makes about) Size Time

3-4 Quart 45 mins

8-10 Pints 35 mins

17-20 1/2 Pints 20 mins

Enjoy, we sure do.

* I prefer banana peppers and more sugar. I am not able to take really hot.

1 comment:

  1. Who is that HOT girl making HOT salsa?! I figured out what the little black specks were in your salsa, pepper! I must have missed that because it is not on my ingredient list.
