My book club was coming over. I chose the book this month,'North and South' by Elizabeth Gaskell. I had seen the movie and my friend Aimee had given me the book. The drink alot of tea in the book so I thought for our themed snack we should have tea. After talking to my mom I decided on making petits four. My grandma (Ma-ga) used to make them for different baby and bridal showers and my mom can remember watching her mom make them. So with the help of my grandma's old cookbook and a bit of time I made these. I also made orange and cranberry scones (thanks Tina: my professional tea time lady, Yeah The Roosevelt Bed and Breakfast Inn)and chicken salad sandwiches (thanks Arwen for our yummy recipe) with the crust cut off, of course! We all had a good time discussing the book and nibbling on our tea time food.
2020, Here we go!
5 years ago
Very cute- wish I could have been there.