Sunday, April 11, 2010

Trip to California, in Spring

Eating out, eating out, and eating out some more!

Oma trying to teach Josh how to whistle with his fingers.

Holly building houses and towers with domino's. She is wearing the princess outfit, including the cape and purple shoes, the only thing that is missing the crown. All got from Tu-tu. She took us to a toy store that my uncle works at and bought Josh and Holly outfits. Josh is a knight including; shield, sword, cape, mail, and hat thingy (not a crown).

Swimming at the indoor pool at Oma's hotel (sorry the pictures aren't the best).

Tu-tu and I playing gin. ( I think she let me win).
We also got to see 2 of my uncles on my moms side and my aunts of course that was fun. When my Uncle Rob (or as Holly calls him Uncle Roc) he was surprised at how much she weighs. Holly looked at him and wanted to know what was that under his nose, he has a mustache. Uncle George and Aunt Denise were surprised to see us and my kids ran all over their house looking at everything. They have a lot of really cool art. We also saw a family that we were friends with when I lived in San Mateo. Their little boy I used to baby sit is now a police man with the San Diego Police Department and now sports a mustache.
All in all it was a good trip, we saw a lot of family, My youngest cousin is now taller and she is going to college. We were all really spoiled by family, grandparents (my parents came down) and great-grandparents. The kids loved having a tv in their room and pretty free to be loud ( my grandma is losing her hearing). Thank you Tu-tu for the trip, All my relatives that ate with us and spoiled us, my mom for being with us the whole week and my dad for driving down so many times, it was great!

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