Sunday, September 11, 2011

Metcalf Bottoms- an addition to summer places

Our friend Lori, introduced us to this fun place of Metcalf Bottoms. I can't wait until next summer we are definetly going back. It's about an hour away and a perfect all day place. The kids could raft down or play in the water, or look for tad poles, and the list goes on.

Yes, it is that cold.

This is the life!

Holly's Birthday surprise

When I asked Holly what she wanted for her birthday she said she wanted a barn. A barn? I don't even know where to get a barn!, was my reply. She simply said, "You just go to Home Depot." I asked her, "You mean a real barn. Why do you want a real barn?" Matter of factly, "So, I can put a horse in it." So for Holly's birthday I set up with a friend in our ward to go over and see her horse. I didn't tell Holly what we were going to do, just that it was a surprise.
She was so excited. I brought carrots and apples to feed Cole, the horse. At first she tried to call Cole like a dog, "Come her Cole, Come her boy.", patting her thighs. She got to lead him and brush him.

She even rode him bare back. I couldn't believe that she wasn't scared at all. Later on she feed him which was a little scary, horses have big mouths and Holly has little hands. This horse was so mellow and I am VERY thankful to Kelly for making my little girls day. (Josh's too, he went for a ride and the kids also rode together) Holly still would like her own horse, but wasn't excited to hear that she have to clean up the poop everyday.

By the way the horse is eating an apple her, not Holly's hand.

A birthday Tradition

One of the things that I do on my children's birthdays is sing Happy Birthday to them for every meal. Who wants just one wish when you could have 3! They also get to choose what they want to eat. Breakfast: Yogurt and berries. Lunch: Ham and cheese roll up. I also made her a tomato flower.

Dinner was tacos and for her cake she wanted a strawberry cake with strawberries on it and a horse on top! I got a little carried away on size. Let's just saw that FHE treat and treat of the week will be Holly's birthday cake.